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"Behold - I have given you every herb bearing seed

which is upon the face of the Earth and every tree,

in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;

                                            to you it shall be for meat."   Genesis 1:29

A World Of Cannabis
God is perfect, Man is not.
Man made wiskey, God made pot.

No Washington home grown

by Rick Misterly
(Rice WA USA)

Too few Washington state residents are aware that it is illegal to grow any amount of cannabiis for their personal consumption. Not included in the original I502, it was taken out of the reform bill in early2015. There are a few reasons for this which need to be discussed but by far the most anti home grow influence comes from lobbying from WACA, Washiington Cannabusiness Association.
The people need to speak out and contact their State Legislators and tell them that even though Washington was one of the first two "legal" states, it falls way behind of the now 7 others in true cannabis freedom access. There is a draft bill ready for submission early next year. Learn about this and let your voices be heard.

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Nov 20, 2017
Is Legal Industry Imploding? NEW
by: Toni

The WSLCB wants to protect their Cannabis interests and does so by limiting the number of outlets available to purchase Cannabis, and approving far too many growers. It is currently unsustainable and many more will fail or simply quit growing.

Eventually, it is believed and hoped that the industry will quit the gestapo, armed inspections of farmers, let up on the ENFORCEMENT FINES of millions of dollars yearly in additional revenue to keep themselves afloat. These enforcement fines are for even, non critical, administrative mistakes which are simply not allowed.

Today I can tell you that untested machine trimmed Cannabis flower is selling for $.50g on average...the rest of the retail store pricing is divided along these lines.

39% (less costs of goods) goes to the feds
33% goes to the actually cost of the product
33$ for all overhead, rent, employees, utilities etc

The good old days are long gone, but at least any adult in the state may have 1oz of Cannabis on him at any many more years before all of the bumps are smoothed out?

If you're looking for incredible, legal in all 50 states, CBD products, this site has some great options, with Cannabis tinctures, Cannabis Pet Products, Rich CBD skin topicals and lots more.

Nov 20, 2017
3 options for Home Grown
by: Toni

Actually there are 3 options finally under consideration for Washington Home Grown Cannabis.....all LOUSY and intrusive! Washington state is the only legal Adult Use state which doesn't allow Home Grown. The 3 different programs are being researched by the WSLCB and they will release their decision by end of Dec 2017.

1 Allow limited number of home grown plants with full miniature tracking similar to required for Adult use in

all plants must have 16 digit bar codes traceable within the system from seed/clone to ultimate disposal of plant...very laborious & time consuming. In addition, home growers would have to register with the state.

2 Would allow limited home grown however, the grower would have to obtain "local law enforcement" permission, inspection etc...can you even begin to imagine where this could lead?

The third option is to keep it the way it is, no home grown.

I502 has destroyed more than 1000 legitimate business owners financially with the lopsided, deliberately created over supply of growers versus the very few retail stores capable of not a single farmer, not even the HUGE ones are making any $$$....while the private market is thriving.


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Under the current FDA laws in the united States, it is illegal to make any medical claims for any health supplement or any other natural product.  Remember cultivation of Marijuana, use of Medical Marijuana, importation of marijuana seeds with the intention of growing Marijuana or using it is illegal in some countries and many states.  While Marijuana seeds, and other items associated with the use of Marijuana, are sold as souvenirs and shipped to any country in the world, your importation of the seeds could be considered a criminal offense for which there could be severe criminal consequences.  Check laws within your own country.

Medical Marijuana has been legal in numerous states within the united States for many years and recreational use of Marijuana is now legal in Washington and Colorado, since winning by initiative November 6, 2012.  The federal government of the united States still considers Marijuana a controlled substance and illegal in all states.  Laws change continuously and our intention is to stay abreast of all appropriate laws and provide a compilation of information for novelty purposes only, we do not intend to persuade, induce, intimate or condone anyone breaking any laws, nor does this information pertain to any other substance than Marijuana.

All information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to make any legal or medical claims, diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any physical or mental condition, nor to prescribe any substance.  This site provides helpful information and is supported by compensation from quality advertisers and affiliate relationships.  This website is for educational purposes only, scientific or medical research and fun.  Cannabis is legal in about 30 countries.
